Finite Element Soil Analysis
Our mainstay professional software for finite element analyses is Plaxis.
We have implemented FEM solutions for geotechnical problems such as:
- 2D static stress–strain Finite Elements (version 8.5), for plane strain and axisymmetric geotechnical problems
- 2D Dynamic Finite Elements for Time–Domain geotechnical problems
- 2D PlaxFlow Finite Elements for seepage problems
- 3D Foundation Finite Elements for complex geometries
We have also developed in house finite elements procedures for 3D seepage problems, as well as codes for consolidation models, u–p formulation (coupled flow–deformation fields), and dynamic analyses for both, time and frequency domains.
Typical geotechnical applications of finite elements are:
- Axial and lateral capacity of caisson– and pile–foundations
- Site dewatering (both, for steady state and transient flow)
- 2D and 3D slope stability analyses using the c-Φ reduction method (stress–strain compatible solutions)
- Earth retaining systems
- Settlement analysis of foundations including elastic, consolidation, and/or creep deformations)
- Soil–structure interaction problems

With our 3D finite elements resources, we can model complex soil-structure interaction problems. Stress-strain analyses include deformations resulting from pseudo-elastic behaviour, as well as from elasto-plastic and consolidation behaviour. Loading condition during the different construction stages can be accounted for.

D modeling allow us to predict differential settlements using realistic boundary conditions. The analyses are not longer reduced to simplified plane-strain or axisymmetric configurations. 3D analyses typically provide stresses, strains and deformations in the soil mass. Pore pressure generation and dissipation within the soil mass can also be predicted.

Structural foundation elements, such as, caissons, retaining walls, raft or mats, can be included in the model. The solution will provide axial forces, shear and bending moment distributions within each structural element.

Issues related to differential settlement of nearby foundation elements can be analyzed in their true 3D configuration.

Complex retaining wall structures can be combined with slope stability related-issues. Stress-strain analyses can be used to estimate factor of safety (FOS) for slope stability using the c-ï¦ strength reduction approach.

Different stages during installation of a retaining system can be analyzed in detail, providing the associated FOS values for each stage.

Once the Finite Element analysis is completed, the results for each portion of the problem can be evaluated independently. This is useful to analyze deformation and stressing modes during each stage of construction.